The Difference between ECE vs Kindergarten vs Daycare

Patey Street Learning Space ECE Daycare Early Learning Childhood Centre

When searching for care for your child online, many different options become apparent such as “Early Childhood Education Centres”, “Kindergarten”, “Home-based”, “Daycare”, “Playcentre” however it seems confusing to know which one to choose. Here at Bear Park, we prefer to refer to ourselves as “Early Childhood Learning Centres”. While the term daycare is commonly used, we wish to outline some of the differences between them all. 


What is childcare?

Childcare is supervised care and early education for young children, usually ranging from birth to around five years of age. It’s a service designed to support working parents or guardians by ensuring the well-being and development of their children while they are away. These centres provide a safe and nurturing environment which often include a program taught by qualified Early Childhood Education teachers. 


Is that different to Daycare?

Daycare was the commonly used term to describe childcare that wasn’t the standard kindergarten centres that were around decades ago. Daycare has developed into much more than just “minding your child”, as structure has been introduced to prepare children for primary school learning. 

Early Childhood Education

Also known in its short form as “ECE”, Early Childhood Education Centres are often referred to as “daycare” but they are much more than that. ECE centres will align with educational philosophy such as the Reggio Emilia Approach, Montessori as such, that is interwoven into their educational programme alongside Te Whāriki, our national curriculum for Early Childhood Education.

  • Usually private owned
  • Longer hours to accommodate working parents. Hours tend to be from 7.00/7.30am – 5.30/6pm.
  • Some offer half day sessions, school hours or full day sessions.
  • Have different educational philosophies such as the Reggio Emilia Approach, Steiner, RIE, Montessori.
  • Open all year except statutory holidays.
  • Can offer meals.
  • Can offer lower teacher: child ratios than specified by Ministry of Education

Patey St Playground ECE Daycare Early Learning Childhood Centre


Kindergarten or ‘Kindy’ provide childcare from the ages 2  through to 5. Another popular choice with parents due to their relatively low cost. They follow the Te Whāriki curriculum and have .

  • Usually state owned but some are privately owned.
  • Open during school terms and closed during school holidays.
  • Can offer different sessions for different age groups such as morning or afternoon
  • Some offer all-day education and care but usually 9 –  2pm.
  • May ask for a contribution to fees
  • Higher teacher child ratios. Usually following the minimum set by the government.
  • Teachers are qualified


Another option for parents is home based education and care which is provided for groups of up to 4 children aged birth to 5 years, in either the educator’s home or the child’s home.They follow the national curriculum Te Whāriki and offer children a familiar environment. 

  • Teachers don’t have to be qualified but are encouraged to study for certification.
  • Low child teacher ratio
  • Regular outdoor outings
  • Flexible with child/parent needs.
  • Typically no meals are provided
  • Each educator must belong to a home-based service, which provides support through a coordinator who is a qualified and certificated ECE teacher.


A popular option with parents, playcentres are managed by the parents who actively participate and educate the children. These are funded by the government and require some contribution from parents. The concept of the Playcentre is providing a “supportive village” where you grow with your child. Playcentres cater for children from birth to school age, and are run cooperatively by parents and member families.

  • Low child teacher ratio
  • Part time sessions
  • Parents are involved, cannot leave child there

What do we do at Bear Park?

As the premier Early Learning Educational Provider, we are teacher led and our teaching philosophies are greatly inspired by Reggio Emilia Approach, Enviroschools Kaupapa & Te Whāriki. 

We understand that children have unique needs, so our teacher and child ratios are low to reflect this and enable us to provide quality care that your child needs.

 We have onsite catering for our children (tamariki), with a menu that we closely work with a nutritionist to design.

Our rooms are designed to invite our children to explore, engage and enrich their interests in learning and to develop a strong sense of self esteem and worth.

We are lucky to have a range of different childcare options in New Zealand for parents to choose from. Those early years of learning are crucial to young mind’s growth and development, and parents will know what early learning educational system will best suit their needs. 

As an Early Learning Centre here at Bear Park, we pride ourselves in providing not only the best care for your child, but a premium and nurturing learning environment that will lay the foundations of their future and ongoing development. If you are interested in touring our centres, please get in touch with us to book a tour. We look forward to welcoming you. 

Patey Street Learning Space ECE Daycare Early Learning Childhood Centre

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